Social Swing Pod was designed and made to inspire creativity in the workplace. Swing sets aren’t just for children now adults can enjoy some contained fun in the office. The structure is assembled in six sections and each section can be left open (as a walkway), have a fixed sofa or a swing. The fixed sofa can seat up to two people, so the pod could seat up to 10 people whilst still leaving one gap for entering and exiting. If swings are used only then the pod will seat 5 people, leaving one gap as a walkway.
The walls and ceiling can be finished in different fabrics so to suit different office environments. The introduction of artificial grass to the floor brings a sense of the outdoors inside, something that has been proven to promote productivity in the workplace. Social Swing Pod is a configurable funky and fun pod which can act as functional meeting space as well as a statement piece of furniture for the office. It is also available as a single or double swing.