Penelope Work Booth
Penelope Work Booth is a peaceful place to take private phone calls, video conferences and a quiet place to focus on some work. With the desk included as a standard option, you can choose whether to have an integrated floating seat or use one of your own instead. Power and data can be added to charge phones and laptops, conveniently. The size of the desk means that is you have enough space for your laptop, mobile phones, and coffee. A motion sensor for the light is included in the work pod and it also has an optional ventilation system.
This means that the light will turn on automatically when in use and off once the work booth is vacant, saving on electricity and providing an obvious visual clue whether it’s occupied. The ventilation means that you can work in the booth whilst air from outside is circulated around it. Adding to this, the acoustics materials used to build the pod muffle the sound from outside and conversations are kept more private from within. This makes Penelope Work Booth can be a great place to escape from the busy and noisy work environment and get the important bits of work done in peace.